present Spanish

Learning the Spanish present tense with Spanish Hangout - Cheatsheet available

girl studies Spanish verbs conjugations

Hola chicos y chicas.

Feeling a little overwhelmed when learning Spanish because of verbs conjugations?

Well, I always say to my students that It’s really normal to feel like this because when you start learning a new language many things are different from your mother tongue and some parts requires memorization, which by the way, is great to enhance your brain power :)

One of those parts of memorization is the conjugation of the verbs. Here you have the first cheat sheet created to help you memorizing the present of the regulars verbs in Spanish. You can download it and print it.

Take it slow but be consistent. Learn a verb a day or a week but try to keep up the pace. The sooner you learn the conjugation of the verbs the better you’ll be able to communicate in Spanish. Isn’t it a great goal? Vamos!

Let us know if you have any doubts on how to manage conjugations or any other thing.

¡Buena suerte!