La casa de las flores

5 Tips for memorizing Spanish verbs fast + Ibiza & Costa Rica next trip as a local video:)


1- Learn the sounds of the different ending of the tenses. When you are listening to a conversation in Spanish or being a part of a conversation, if you have the sounds of the ending of tenses ingrained in your mind, you will immediately discern that the speaker is talking about something that happened in the present or past (for example).

2- We know that in all languages some verbs are the most used verbs, hence, have to be memorized first. Some are very very used like ser, estar, hacer, tener, dar, ir, venir,... .B) some verbs are such that they in a combination of other infinitives or participle form of the verbs, make a special meaning for special situations and tenses, like hacer, tener, (especially) haber, ... as for these kinds of verbs, they should be memorized first and completely.

3- I'm afraid practice is probably the only method you can't avoid to succeed. However, I suggest that you read all these forms aloud, focusing on the correct placement of the stress- other verbs. about these kinds of verbs, two points are important: A) some form of conjugations should be memorized first, because 1- they are the most used form of the verb, like infinitive form.

4- Focus on your goal of enjoying your next vacation to Ibiza or your next adventure in Costa Rica like a local :)

5- Life is short, don’t forget the most important part of learning a new language. Have fun while you do it.

Vamos! See you in class:


Spanish Hangout